Mountains in Timor-Leste (East Timor) - Asia

Timor-Leste (East Timor) is a mountainous little country that is well and truly off the beaten path for most mountaineers. But we think that there are gems there to be explored, so please let us know of mountains (other than Ramelau) that you feel deserve an article.

Explore mountains in Timor-Leste (East Timor)

Mount Matebian (Matebean)

2,316 m (7,598 ft)

Mount Matebian is one of the highest mountains in Timor Leste with a height of 2,316 m (7,598 ft). Folklore of the region says that the mountain is where the spirits of the dead go to rest. The caves on the mountain were also used as a place of safety for people during the  Indonesian occupation from 1975-1999.

Mount Matebian has two peaks; Matebian Feto which is 1,963 m (6,440 ft) high and Matebian Mane which is  2,316 m (7,598 ft) high. We’ll be focussing on the latter in this article.

Mount Mundo Perdido

1,763 m (5,784 ft)

More often than not shrouded in mist, Mount Mundo Perdido is a ‘lost world’ (literally, in Portuguese) in Timor Leste. The locals believe that the fog that hangs in the air on Mundo Perdido is a soul thief – a spirit that can steal your soul away. 

The mountain does not have an inviting reputation, though this could possibly be because it was actually a guerilla hideout during the Indonesian occupation from December 1975 to October 1999. Now it is a protected area set aside for the conservation of orchids and has been designated an ‘Important Bird Area’ by BirdLife International, with about 63 species of birds recorded.

Mount Ramelau (Foho Tatamailau)

2,986 m (9,797 ft)

Ramelau or Tatamailau, call it what you may, is Timor-Leste’s most popular sunrise hike and a great way to add value to your holiday. Climbing the highest mountain in Timor-Leste is also a popular pilgrimage amongst Catholics from all over the world who make this trek on and around the 25th of March to commemorate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.